Monday, May 4, 2009

The lies of artificial scarcity

The crux of the issue is that if oil was plentiful in areas in which we are being told by the government and the oil companies that it is not, then we have clear evidence that artificial scarcity is being simulated in order to drive forward a myriad of other agendas. And we have concrete examples of where this has happened
Three separate internal confidential memos from Mobil, Chevron and Texaco have been obtained by The Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights.

These memos outline a deliberate agenda to gouge prices and create artificial scarcity by limiting capacities of and outright closing oil refineries. This was a nationwide lobbying effort led by the American Petroleum Institute to encourage refineries to do this.

An internal Chevron memo states; "A senior energy analyst at the recent API convention warned that if the US petroleum industry doesn't reduce its refining capacity it will never see any substantial increase in refinery margins."

The Memos make clear that blockages in refining capacity and opening new refineries did not come from environmental organizations, as the oil industry claimed, but via a deliberate policy of limitation and price gouging at the behest of the oil industry itself.

The mystery of Eugene Island 330 and self-renewing oil supplies

Eugene Island is an oil field in the gulf of Mexico, 80 miles off the coast of Louisiana. It was discovered in 1973 and began producing 15,000 barrels of oil a day which then slowed to about 4,000 barrels in 1989.

But then for no logical reason whatsoever, production spiked back up to 13,000 barrels a day.
What the researchers found when they analyzed the oil field with time lapse 3-D seismic imaging is that there was an unexplained deep fault in the bottom corner of the computer scan, which showed oil gushing in from a previously unknown deep source and migrating up through the rock to replenish the existing supply.

Furthermore, the analysis of the oil now being produced at Eugene Island shows that its age is geologically different from the oil produced there after the refinery first opened. Suggesting strongly that it is now emerging from a different, unexplained source.

The last estimates of probable reserves shot up from 60 million barrels to 400 million barrels.

Both the scientists and geologists from the big oil companies have seen the evidence and admitted that the Eugene Island oil field is refilling itself.

This completely contradicts peak oil theory and with technology improving at an accelerating pace it seems obvious that there are more Eugene Islands out there waiting to be discovered. So the scientific community needs to embrace these possibilities and lobby for funding into finding more of these deep source replenishing oilfields.

The existence of self-renewing oil fields shatters the peak oil myth. If oil is a naturally replenishing inorganic substance then how can it possibly run out?

The future of oil

This year in particular we have seen a strong hike in oil prices and are being told to simply get used to it because this is the way it is going to be. In the wake of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita gas prices have shot up amid claims of vast energy shortages. Americans are being asked to turn off lights, change thermostat settings, drive slower, insulate homes and take other steps. Meanwhile the oil companies continue to make record profits.

Flying in the face of the so called peak oil crisis are the facts. If we are running out of oil so quickly then why are reserves being continually increased and production skyrocketing?

In the 1980s OPEC decided to switch to a quota production system based on the size of reserves. The larger the reserves a country said it had the more it could pump.

Earlier this year Saudi Arabia reportedly increased its crude reserves by around 200 billion barrels. Saudi oil Is secure and plentiful, say officials.

“These huge reserves enable the Kingdom to remain a major oil producer for between 70 and 100 years, even if it raises its production capacity to 15 million barrels per day, which may well happen during the next 15 years,”

Is this the normal course of behavior if we are currently at the peak for oil production? The answer is no, it's the normal course of action for increasing production.

There have also been reports that Russia has vastly increased its reserves even beyond those of Saudi Arabia. Why would they do this if they believed there would be no more oil to get hold of? It seems clear that Russia is ready for unlimited future production of oil.

There is a clear contradiction between the peak oil theory and the continual increase in oil reserves and production.

New untapped oil sources are being discovered everywhere on earth. The notion that there are somehow only a few sources that the West is trying to monopolize is a complete myth, promulgated by those raking in the massive profits. After all how do you make huge profits from something available in abundance?

A Wall Street Journal article by Peter Huber and Mark Mills describes how the price of oil remains high because the cost of oil remains so low. We are not dependent on the middle east for oil because the world's supplies are diminishing, it is because it is more profitable to tap middle east supplies. Thus the myth of peak oil is needed in order to silence the call for tapping the planet's other plentiful reserves.

Richard Branson has even stated his intention to set up his own refinery because the price of oil is artificially being kept high whilst new sources are not being explored and new refineries not being built.

"Opec is effectively an illegal cartel that can meet happily, nobody takes them to court," Branson has said. "They collude to keep prices high."

So if more refineries were built and different resources tapped, the oil prices would come down and the illegal cartel OPEC would see profits diminish. It is no wonder then that the argument for peak oil is so appealing to OPEC. If no one invests to build refineries because they don't believe there is enough oil, then who benefits? OPEC and the oil elites of course.

It seems that every time there is some kind of energy crisis, OPEC INCREASES production. The remarkable thing about this is that they always state that they are doing it to ease prices, yet prices always shoot up because they promulgate the myth that they are putting some of their last reserves into the market. Analysts seem confused and always state that they don't believe upping production will cut prices.

The Myth Of Peak Oil

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones | October 12 2005

Peak oil is a scam designed to create artificial scarcity and jack up prices while giving the state an excuse to invade our lives and order us to sacrifice our hard-earned living standards.

Publicly available CFR and Club of Rome strategy manuals from 30 years ago say that a global government needs to control the world population through neo-feudalism by creating artificial scarcity. Now that the social architects have de-industrialized the United States, they are going to blame our economic disintegration on lack of energy supplies.

Globalization is all about consolidation. Now that the world economy has become so centralized through the Globalists operations, they are going to continue to consolidate and blame it on the West's "evil" overconsumption of fossil fuels, while at the same time blocking the development and integration of renewable clean technologies.

In other words, Peak oil is a scam to create artificial scarcity and drive prices up. Meanwhile, alternative fuel technologies which have been around for decades are intentionally suppressed.

Peak oil is a theory advanced by the elite, by the oil industry, by the very people that you would think peak oil would harm, unless it was a cover for another agenda. Which from the evidence of artificial scarcity being deliberately created, the reasons for doing so and who benefits, it’s clear that peak oil is a myth and it should be exposed for what it is. Another excuse for the Globalists to seize more control over our lives and sacrifice more American sovereignty in the meantime.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

What is KeroLine?

When it comes to fuel, relax." is the core message which underlines BASF’s position as a problem solver in all matters concerning fuel and refinery additives. Our customers can always rely on first-class quality, tailormade products and an excellent service, wherever they are in the world. As such, the brand image was also developed on the basis of reliability, trust, security and clarity. KeroLine is the umbrella brand that ties together our product range. It offers you even more information and makes decisions and workflows even easier, allowing you to take a relaxed approach to the challenges of the mineral oil industry.
Why is KeroLine called KeroLine?
The names of most of our products already contain the “Kero” prefix. The ending “Line” describes the product range.
We think KeroLine looks good!
The visual concept is based on what drives us at BASF, namely the passion to provide the best performance we can for our customers every day, which is why the heart also plays a central role in the new brand image. This is how the pipeline, exhaust pipe, gas fuel cap and fuel drum visibly demonstrate their affinity for the KeroLine products in the various campaign motifs.

Malaysia to provide more incentives to biodiesel producers

Plantation Industries and Commodities Minister Datuk Peter Chin Fah Kui Chin said the ministry was in talks with the Treasury to provide more incentives to biodiesel producers in Malaysia to ensure that the biodiesel business in Malaysia remains viable. The B5 blend program, which has been effective since February 1, involves the blending of 5% biodiesel with 95% fossil fuel and will be carried out in stages, starting with government vehicles. Under the program, all diesel vehicles in the country must use the B5 blend by 2010. The first phase of the B5 program has covered most of the Klang Valley involving government vehicles owned by City Hall and the Defence Ministry. Next is Kota Kinabalu which has a huge base of diesel vehicles. (March 25, 2009)

Linc Energy Limited Coal-to-Liquids facility officially opened at Chinchilla

Linc Energy Limited (ASX:LNC)(PINK:LNCGY) officially opened its Chinchilla Demonstration Facility on Wednesday 22nd April 2009 with strong support from international project partners and Government representatives.
Vietnamese Government Ministers and Vice Ministers, representatives from Japan's Marubeni Corporation and business supporters from South Africa and the United States gathered in Chinchilla to mark the official opening of the world's first Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) to Gas to Liquids (GTL) facility.
"Linc Energy's facility is truly unique; the only one of its kind, complete with UCG gas field, a Fischer-Tropsch (FT) GTL plant and an on-site, world-class laboratory," said Linc Energy's Chief Executive Officer, Mr Peter Bond.
Attached to this announcement is a News Release from the Federal Minister for Resources and Energy, the Hon Martin Ferguson AM MP, regarding the official opening of Linc Energy's Chinchilla Demonstration Facility.
The official opening of Linc Energy's Chinchilla Demonstration Facility attended by 200 supporters followed the day after the signing of the agreements to commence Stage 1 of the Red River Delta UCG project in Vietnam; a joint project with Linc Energy and its Vietnamese and Japanese partners, VINACOMIN, Song Hong Energy and Marubeni Corporation.
About Linc Energy Ltd
Linc Energy Limited (ASX:LNC)(PINK:LNCYF)(OTCQX:LNCGY) is an innovative, forward thinking energy company and Australia's leader in clean coal technology. The company's vision is to become a dominant player in the supply of more environmentally friendly power, diesel and jet fuel.
Linc Energy aims to achieve this vision by bringing together, for the first time anywhere in the world, two proven production processes known as Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) clean coal technology and Gas to Liquids (GTL).
These processes will economically convert vast "stranded" coal deposits into ultra clean liquid fuels.
Linc Energy will also use the Syngas produced from UCG clean coal technology as feedstock for gas turbines to generate much needed environmentally friendly electricity.
The company has a unique leading edge capacity to provide a viable, more sustainable and smart alternative source of liquid fuels and power generation well into the foreseeable future.
Linc Energy represents a new future for liquid fuels production and power generation.

First seagoing vessel arrives at Oiltanking Nanjing Jetty

Oiltanking Nanjing Co., Ltd successfully received and discharged the first vessel calling at its newly-built terminal located in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, China.
With the successful discharge of the MT “Borneo Pioneer”, the first ship to call its jetty, Oiltanking has officially started the operation of the Oiltanking Nanjing terminal. Oiltanking Nanjing has secured the opening of the jetty infrastructure to foreign flag ships and with the help of all related authorities, the first methanol import vessel arriving at the terminal on April 21 was handled smoothly without any delay.
Oiltanking is located in the Nanjing Chemical Industry Park “NCIP”, one of the largest and fastest growing industrial developing zones in East China. Due to its strategic location, Oiltanking is able to not only serve the neighbouring plants in NCIP, but also accommodate (international) trade within the Lower Yangtze River market, as well as providing trans-shipment capabilities for business upstream the river.
The terminal infrastructure consists of 21 tanks with a total capacity of 74,000 cbm and 3 berths on the Northern bank of the Yangtze River capable of accommodating 30,000 to 40,000 DWT vessels. It provides quick turnaround times for vessels and offers excellent truck loading capabilities as well as pipeline connectivity to industries in NCIP. The construction of a state-of-the-art railway station with capability to load railcars as well as to efficiently receive and discharge unit trains directed to Nanjing from the North Western hinterland is underway.
Oiltanking Nanjing Co., Ltd. is a joint venture between Oiltanking, NCIP Adminsitration and the Port Authority of Nanjing.
Oiltanking is a subsidiary of Marquard & Bahls AG, Germany, a leading privately owned petroleum company. Oiltanking is the second-largest independent tank storage provider for petroleum products, chemicals and gases world-wide. The company owns and operates 65 terminals in 21 countries within Europe, North and South America, Middle East, India as well as Asia. Oiltanking has an overall capacity of 14.6 million cubic meters.

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